Record Selectors

Record Selectors

DJ Application


We will reference your social media pages as our main source of approval. Make sure your pages are public and provide content that show you DJing.

TERMS & CONDITIONS is a service provided to working professional DJs only. We reserve the right to deny application and or terminate any account that is proven not to be a professional working DJ. All the files provided on this site are provided to our “users” for promotional review for airplay or live play consideration and may not be sold, licensed, or redistributed without the express written consent of all copyright holders respectively. By agreeing to these Terms Of Service you certify that you are a working professional DJ in one of the following fields. Radio, College Radio, Satellite Radio, Internet Radio, Nightclub, Mobile or Special Events and that you understand fully that you are not paying for the files on You are paying for a membership. The subscription fees collected from these memberships permit us to provide this service to our working professional DJs (“users”). Upon the approval of your dj application, you will be added to our weekly mailing list. If you choose to opt-out of these emails you can unsubscribe by replying, "unsubscribe" at anytime. This service is a renewing contract that will automatically renew at the end of the subscription period unless canceled by the user before the renew date. No refunds will be given if the subscription is not used for the term of the subscription period.